On September 26, 2020, the Fairfax Rod and Gun Club will host their annual Sighting-In Days at the club’s facility, 7039 Signal Hill Road, Manassas, Virginia. Firearm experts will be available to help the hunter with getting their rifle, shotgun, black powder gun, or pistol on target and zeroed in. As an added attraction we […]
https://www.fxrgc.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/fxrgc_logo_while_background.png548548Tony Moller/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/FXRGC-Logo-300x300.pngTony Moller2020-07-15 07:14:352023-03-21 09:41:46Sighting-In Days Set for September 26, 2020
FR&GC T-shirts, golf shirts, and vests are now available for sale. Part of every purchase supports the Club’s Williams Education Fund. Please see here for the order form and instructions!
https://www.fxrgc.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/fxrgc_logo_while_background.png548548Tony Moller/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/FXRGC-Logo-300x300.pngTony Moller2020-07-11 12:13:052020-07-11 12:13:05Lee Valley Range
The most recent bulletin was inadvertently sent out with a swapmeet scheduled for July 12. In short this swapmeet has been cancelled. The swapmeet committee decided to push up the original July 12 date into June giving time to prepare for the new laws coming to the state. We are working actively to adhere to […]
The Education Committee, along with Club member Tim Florio, have arranged for Hilton Yam of 10-8 Performance, to deliver a 1911/2011 shooting class: “This fast paced class is designed to teach shooters the proper manual of arms of the 1911/2011 pistol. Class will include lecture on technical aspects of the 1911/2011, information on maintenance, and […]
We received notice that Honorary member Bob Elliott recently passed away, condolences to family and friends. On a brighter note, member Bill Wruck successfully received a liver transplant earlier than originally expected and is recovering. We wish Bill well, and look forward to his return to the Club!
Sighting-In Days Set for September 26, 2020
On September 26, 2020, the Fairfax Rod and Gun Club will host their annual Sighting-In Days at the club’s facility, 7039 Signal Hill Road, Manassas, Virginia. Firearm experts will be available to help the hunter with getting their rifle, shotgun, black powder gun, or pistol on target and zeroed in. As an added attraction we […]
Reminder: FXRGC Apparel
FR&GC T-shirts, golf shirts, and vests are now available for sale. Part of every purchase supports the Club’s Williams Education Fund. Please see here for the order form and instructions!
Home Defense Pistol Class
Lee Valley Range
Lee Valley Range will he closed for repairs Monday July 13 from 9am to noon.
No Swap Meet July 12, 2020
The most recent bulletin was inadvertently sent out with a swapmeet scheduled for July 12. In short this swapmeet has been cancelled. The swapmeet committee decided to push up the original July 12 date into June giving time to prepare for the new laws coming to the state. We are working actively to adhere to […]
June 2020 Bulletin
1911/2011 Pistol Shooting Class
The Education Committee, along with Club member Tim Florio, have arranged for Hilton Yam of 10-8 Performance, to deliver a 1911/2011 shooting class: “This fast paced class is designed to teach shooters the proper manual of arms of the 1911/2011 pistol. Class will include lecture on technical aspects of the 1911/2011, information on maintenance, and […]
Member News
We received notice that Honorary member Bob Elliott recently passed away, condolences to family and friends. On a brighter note, member Bill Wruck successfully received a liver transplant earlier than originally expected and is recovering. We wish Bill well, and look forward to his return to the Club!