This is a general equipment survey regarding your 2-gun action challenge equipment, and specifically how it survived the Water is Wet stage in June, 2023. This survey is the result of fielding several questions from your fellow 2GACM shooters, so thank you for taking a few moments to let us know how your gear did – both good and bad. Your responses may help someone make better gear choices in the future.

What item of gear is this survey entry for? Examples include optics, flashlights, etc. Please re-take the survey for each individual piece of gear you would like to tell us about. Please be specific in the item's name; eg. Holosun 510C, Steiner 1x4 LVPO, etc. If your rifle failed (even just during that stage), please provide details in the box below.
Did you gear survive the water dunk?
On a scale of 1-5 (1 being low, 5 being high) how well did it survive the Water is Wet stage?
In a few sentences, tell us what worked or what failed about your gear. Survived with flying colors? Survived when you thought it would fail? Failed when you thought it would survive? If it failed, did it fail for good, or could you get it back to working order?