Legislative Affairs Committee Update


Here’s the update from your Friendly Neighborhood Legislative Affairs Committee(  LAC).  In this note:

  1. Legislative Updates
  2. VCDL Lobby Day
  3. Finding Your elected representatives, both State and Federal


1. Legislative Updates

  • There has not been much progress on the 2A bills  as the those of interest; HB5020, SB5041, and HB5024  have all been referred to their respective Committees on Public Safety.  They have been there since mid-October, and most likely will remain so until the January session.
  • Given the logistic difficulties of a COVID impacted General Legislative session, House members may be limited to 7 introduced bills and Senators 15, respectively.  The impact to 2A legislation is unclear at this point.


2.   VCDL Lobby Day is January 18th.

  • To say Lobby Day will be different in 2021 is an understatement.  In violation of reservation rules, yet done, anti-2A groups have reserved the space in front of the Capitol all day on the traditional date of Lobby Day.
  • VCDL is converting Lobby Day to a drive through model.  Car caravans from 4 areas of the Commonwealth will converge on Richmond, and drive by the Senate and House offices non-quietly.
  • VCDL members will be able to dismount and walk around like tourists,  not requiring a permit.  The permit status removes any weapon carrying restrictions, still subject to Virginia Laws.
  • Stay tuned to this update and VCDL as this is a very fluid state of affairs.  More to come.


3.  Finding Your elected representatives, both State and Federal.

Your state representatives should hear from you! Both emails and phone calls remain your best options. Not sure who your state representatives are?  Find out through this link.  https://whosmy.virginiageneralassembly.gov/


Thanks from Your Friendly Neighborhood FRGC Legislative Affairs Committee.