2022-05 2G-ACM Match Announcement



First off, congratulations to all our FXRGC shooters who attended Woodland Brutality! We had a strong showing. The event went really well, and will be back next year!

The match registration for the May 2-Gun Action Challenge Match at Fairfax Rod and Gun Club is live. Go here to register on PractiScore:


We have some GREAT news! The FXRGC Board has approved our request to expand the 2G-ACM match to include the Benson Range (the high power range to the right of Culver Range). This means we will have 3 AM and 3 PM squads, 5 stages, and 72 slots. So hopefully no one will be left on the wait list. We’re going to need RO’s on every squad, so please spread yourselves out when I approve you to squad.

We need someone on AM squads with a pickup truck to get the dueling tree from Porasky Range. Please let me know if you can help with that.


  • Make sure you have a proper pistol holster. Your pistol must fit securely, and it must fully cover the trigger guard. If a pistol falls out of your holster that is a match DQ.
  • If you have a short rifle/PCC barrel, be mindful of where your support hand and fingers are. Have a robust hand stop. Suggest wearing good gloves as well.
  • Make sure you read the rules (link below) and understand which division you are in.
  • There will be some walking between Culver and Benson, so pack light or pack a cart. Driving between the ranges is discouraged.
  • Range Officers and Club members will get priority squadding for the first 48 hours (till Thursday morning)

There will be three AM squads of 12 shooters each and three PM squads of 12 shooters each (72 shooters total). Five stages total. Minimum round count is around ~21 pistol rounds and ~58 rifle rounds. Read the stage descriptions below.

When you register please indicate if you are willing to be a squad Range Officer. You must have prior multi-gun experience running stages and know how to use PractiScore on a tablet. We reserve the right to shuffle shooters around if we do not have enough RO’s per squad (two RO’s minimum per squad). This is essential to maintain safety and have proper stage and shooter flow.

The FXRGC 2G-ACM Rules (v1.4.2 – we made some small revisions) can be reviewed here:

Stages are here:

Match fee is $20 CASH AT THE DOOR only. We can not process credit cards at the range.

Let me know if you have any questions at [email protected]

Load and Make Ready!
Tony & Bryce