Green Ops Tactical Combat Casualty Care Class

August 24, 2024 @ 8:00 am – 5:00 pm America/New York Timezone
Tony Moller

Tactical Combat Casualty Care

Prerequisites: None Required


Demonstrate comprehension of M.A.R.C.H. principles and competency at

life-saving skills. This course is taught with the latest standards of care recommendations by

the Joint Trauma System (JTS), American College of Surgeons, and the Committee of Tactical

Combat Casualty Care (CoTCCC).


Fairfax Rod and Gun Club

Learning Objectives:

• Recognize massive (life threatening) hemorrhage.

• Demonstrate competency using commercial and improvised tourniquets

• Recognize common causes of airway compromise.

• Demonstrate how to position someone in the Recovery Position.

• Recognize signs of difficulty breathing.

• Basic MARCH

• Demonstrate the physical examination to identify penetrating chest

• trauma.

• Demonstrate the placement of an occlusive dressing for penetrating

• chest trauma.

• Differentiate non-life-threatening hemorrhage from massive bleeding.

• Demonstrate the proper placement of a trauma dressing.

• Demonstrate wound packing techniques when use of a TQ is not feasible.

• Describe the adverse effects of hypothermia on trauma patients.

• Demonstrate the proper utilization of an emergency casualty blanket to

• prevent hypothermia.

Equipment Recommended

Current Medical Items Commonly Worn

Tactical Gear Commonly Worn

Medical SOPs if available

Knee pads (optional, but recommended)

Water for hydration



• Lunch is not included. Please bring your own.

• It’s highly recommended to bring a chair.

• This is an outdoor range, so the only restrooms are Port-A-Johns.

Instructor Bio: David Lang

Lead instructor David Lang started his journey in the 82nd Airborne as a medic deployed

to Operation Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan. Furthering his pre-hospital knowledge by assessing

for Task Force 160th and attending the Special Operations Combat Medic Course. Later diving

deeper into Flight Medicine and Critical care he obtained his Flight Paramedic Certification and

Critical Care endorsements. He later went on to Instruct at the Flight Paramedic School house and

Expeditionary Medical Course at the Army’s Fort Sam Houston (home of Army Medicine). Then

moved on to become an Operations Chief for the Walter Reed Simulation and Training Dept,

specializing in high-risk low acuity training for the DOD’s medical school. Currently holding a

position at the State Departments Operational Medicine Directorate.

*Slots limited to 20 students only*

For questions or more info, contact us at: [email protected]