CMP 2700 Pistol Match

October 5, 2024 @ 8:00 am – 4:30 pm America/New York Timezone
Walsh Range
Viesturs Lenss

The Walter Walsh Service Pistol Championship weekend includes a regular CMP Match Pistol 2700 on Saturday along with the Walter Walsh Service Pistol Championship on Sunday.  Saturday features a CMP 2700 Precision Pistol Tournament with Excellence-in-Competition (EIC) matches from 9 AM to 4:30 PM on the Walsh Range.  EICs will be fired after the completion of the 2700.  Results of the EIC matches will be combined with EICs fired during the Walter Walsh Service Pistol Championship.  Competitors participating in matches both days will fire the Service Pistol EIC as part of the Walter Walsh Service Pistol Championship and may only fire one of each type of EIC match over the course of the weekend.  For info & position requests, contact [email protected]